안녕하십니까? KACPA 4월 세미나 알려드립니다.
세금보고 마무리와 연장신청으로 모두 바쁜 시간을 보내실 줄 압니다. 항상 몸 건강 유의하시길 기원합니다.
4월 세미나는 다음주 목요일 4월25일 Buena Park 에 위치한 Double Tree by Hilton 에서 열립니다.
점심식사는 11:30 부터 제공되오니 미리 오셔서 담소 나누시며 식사 하시길 바랍니다.
자세한 세미나 일정은 아래와 같습니다.

April 2024 Seminar
1. Date & Time
* Date: April 25, 2024 (Thursday)
* Time: 12 noon to 4:00 pm (4 hour seminar, CPE Credit 4 Hours)
* Lunch will be provided from 11:30 to 12:15, Registration will start at 11:30 am

2. Place
Double Tree by Hilton, 7000 Beach Blvd, Buena Park, CA 90620
3. Topics & Speakers
① First Part (12:00-2:00): Secure Act 2.0 / Social Security Maximization
(Presented by Kim, Kyung Eun, CFP from MassMutual)
Secure Act 2.0 - Impacts on Employers
Individual, Spousal and Survivor Benefits
Case Studies
② Second Part (2:00-3:00): 2024 Economy Forecast and Bankers’ Credit Decision
(Presented by Choi, Jae Yong, CPA from Woori America Bank)
2024 Economy Forecast – U.S. Market, Small Businesses, Commercial R/E
The major points used when the loan officer evaluates commercial loan credit
Loan Strategy of a Company
③ Third Part (3:00-4:00): CRT (Charitable Remainder Trust) – As a capital gain tax
saving tool (Presented by Jane Choi, CLF, LUTCF from Principal Financial Network)
Introduction of CRT
How it works to save a capital gain tax
Case Studies
4. Registration fee:
Member (Online or at the door): $40
Non-member (Online or at the door): $70
Please register at www.kacpa.org
A member is a member who has paid an annual fee of $100
If you have any questions for registration, please contact Shin Suk Oh, CPA,
Secretary, at kacpa@kacpa.org.
If you have any questions on the seminar, please contact our Seminar Director,
Jin Hyeong Kim, CPA at jhykim@hotmail.com.
Hanwook Jo, President
Korean-American CPA Society of Southern California
남가주 한인 공인회계사 협회