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32nd President (2014~2015) CHRISTIE K. CHU

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우리 협회는 계속 성장 하는 해을 겨듭하면서, 협회의 두번째 여성회장으로서 여성의 리더쉽을 활용하여 멤버간의 친목과 활동을 강화하는데 기여했다. 세미나 와 각종 프로그램을 적극적으로 활성화하여 교육활동을 장려하였으며 협회 홍보및 대외관계에 공헌하였다. 특히 협회 웹싸이트을 더욱 보강하여 각종 프로그램과 멤버쉽관리를 온라인을 통해 쉽게 이루어지도록 확립하였으며 신구 세대 협력 및 타 전문직과의 협력을 위한 모임에 힘썼다. CPA Professional Mixer와 CPAs and Bankers 골프행사등을 성공리에 마쳤으며 협회의 대표적인 대외 행사로 이미지를 굳혔다.

Another year at KACPA has come and gone and what a fabulous year it was. As only the second female president since KACPA’s humble beginnings, women’s eloquent touch can go a long way. Instead of focus on adding more events or activities, KACPA, however made each ongoing events and activities much bigger and better as evidenced by the largest turnouts at both the professional mixer and the annual golf tournament. We are also very proud of our new website. It was finally launched this past year and the feedback has been stupendous. Much to our delight, KACPA is in a very good place today largely due to everyone who has served and took part year after year.

Korean-American CPA
Society of Southern California


3010 Wilshire Blvd Unit 313

Los Angeles, CA 90010

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